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KochChemie Ceramic Allround C0.01 Ceramic Coating 75 ml

Ceramic Allround C0.01 is a ceramic coating that can be used on many surfaces to provide long-lasting protection. The very thin protective layer permanently bonds to the surface through a chemical reaction. This chemical reaction is started by air humidity. Complete hardening is achieved after approx. nine days. Ceramic Allround C0.01 creates an especially hydrophobic surface with very good beading properties. Due to the easy-to-clean properties, the treated surface can be cleaned easily and gently by hand. The achieved gloss is retained even after the use of acidic and alkaline cleaners. The cured ceramic coating thus protects the paint from environmental influences such as UV radiation, road salt, bird droppings, and rust, and reduces mechanical damage, thus making a significant contribution to maintaining or increasing the value of the vehicle.

39,375 43,750


Areas of use
Painted surfaces on cars, commercial vehicles, motorcycles, motor homes, caravans, boats, etc.

Recommendations for use
Before the polishing and sealing process, thoroughly pre-clean or wash the vehicle with an alkaline cleaner (e.g. with Green Star in a dilution of 1:10, do not use sealing shampoos). In the case of coarse soiling such as tree resin, rust, tar, etc., pre-treat with clay, tar wash, or similar. Depending on the condition, the paint preparation of strongly to moderately weathered paints is carried out by machine using the coarse abrasive polish Heavy Cut H9.01 or the fine abrasive polish Fine Cut F6.01. For the exact processing, please refer to the product information of Heavy Cut H9.01 and Fine Cut F6.01. Processing of slightly weathered paints and hologram removal after polishing with Heavy Cut H9.01 or Fine Cut F6.01 is carried out with the Micro Cut M3.02 high-gloss polish. The use of an orbital polisher with forced rotation (e.g. Makita PO5000C) is recommended. Please refer to the product information of Micro Cut M3.02. Remove polish residues completely with KCX polish and sealing towel. Wipe all surfaces with a clean, KCX polish and sealing towel soaked with silicone & wax remover with little pressure, and then wipe with another new KCX polish and sealing towel with the other hand directly before drying. This is the only method to completely remove any tensides, drying aids, oils contained in polishes, etc., and to avoid adhesion problems of the Ceramic Allround C0.01. Caution: In the case of sensitive solid-color or one-coat paints, Silicone & Wax Remover should be diluted with water, preferably distilled water, in a ratio of 1:4 to avoid possible matting. Polish the last streaks with another clean KCX polish and sealing towel without pressure. The paint should now have a scratch and hologram-free surface when exposed to sunlight or a paint control lamp. After this step, the paint must not be touched with the palms/fingers (danger of adhesion problems, use gloves). The surface is now perfectly prepared for Ceramic Allround C0.01. To apply, place the KCX application towel over the applicator block. Wet the entire surface of the KCX application towel with Ceramic Allround C0.01 and distribute it quickly on the paint. A closed liquid film must be visible. After applying two cross-coats (two lanes lengthwise and two lanes crosswise), allow the product to flash off for 1-2 minutes and then polish off immediately with the enclosed KCX coating towel. First, remove the excess and then polish off with the fresh cloth side in circular movements from the outside to the inside without pressure. Check the result with a paint control lamp to make sure it is free of veils. Consumption per car approx. 15 – 20 ml Important Instructions For Use: Before use, please read the hazard warnings on the container or outer carton and take appropriate protective measures. Ceramic Allround C0.01 reacts with air humidity. This can cause crystals to form on the rim when the bottle is opened. If these crystals get on the KCX application towel, the surface to be coated is scratched. Therefore, the crystals must be wiped off with a cloth before the product is dropped onto the application cloth. If Ceramic Allround C0.01 becomes “more viscous” during the application, too little material has been used and more material must be applied. For double coatings, a drying time of approx. 25 minutes should be observed after the first coating. The coating is weatherproof after 18-24 hours. Carry out a first car wash after nine days at the earliest, as the coating is only then completely cured. Nevertheless, bird droppings and insect residues should be removed gently and quickly during the first nine days. Cleaning agents with pH values below 5 or above 12 should be avoided. Car Wash: In order to preserve the high-gloss ceramic surface for as long as possible, hand washing is recommended. Use Green Star (dilution 1:10) for alkaline cleaning. Use Gentle Snow Foam for neutral washes. Aftercare: Professional aftercare preserves the ceramic coating and minimizes water stains. Therefore, after car washing ProtectorWax (dilution 1:100) is recommended as a wet sealant or Hand Wax W0.01 as a wax sealant. Please refer to the product information for the exact processing.



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